414 HPriest LFG Area 52<p>14 Holy Priest Looking for a semi casual raiding guide! Would prefer to stay on Area 52 but I would consider moving for the right fit!</p> |
11/02/2019 21:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
7/8M lock with p3 Azsh exp, lf raid tonight only<p>Lf Zaqul re-kill or fresh upto 5/8m</p> |
11/02/2019 20:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning top 50 CE LF Guild<p>Previously top 51 US player returning for 8.3 and beyond. Have all CE’s for legion but stopped playing in early progression of Uldir to deal with family matters. Currently working on catching up on neck and essences, but will all be taken care of by the time I am going into a raid.</p><p>Most of my experience is on a resto druid or a hunter. I am looking to play a dps role but am open to the ... |
11/02/2019 18:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
3/8M 8/8H 444 Brewmaster LF raiding guild<p>444 Brew Master Monk looking for Mythic Raiding guild. Currently Gearing and grinding essences to Main Blood DK for 8.3. and gearing a Veng DH. All will have a Raid ready OS. I make sure to cap islands and get my weekly +10. Aside from the “chores” I do like to push Keys and looking for a regular group to do high keys. I will be staying Horde.</p><p>Looking for a 2-4 day a week Semi-Hardcore ... |
11/02/2019 18:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
7/8M rogue LF Guild<p>My last guild died in September so I decided to take a month off to recharge my bateries, but now I’m starving to do some mythic raiding again. I mostly play Assassin and Outlaw, but I suppose I could go Subtlety if you need me to… for some reason. Ideal times for me would be 9pm EST, any day of the week is fine.</p><p>About me: Have been raiding mythic for much many years now, got a few CEs ... |
11/02/2019 15:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] [Draenor] Nooby havoc demon hunter looking for a guild<p>I have been playing for about a month now and the game is finally starting to feel less overwhelming, I am currently looking for a guild that is 18 plus and has a harsh sense of humor and enjoys banter. Overall I am most active in voice chat and love to meet new people and do dungeons/raids together to become better players overall.Due to some past experiences it is crucial to me that the ... |
11/02/2019 15:24:00 |
Horde |
Unknown |
DhH |
Triple-threat Monk mythic raider LF EST weekend AOTC<p>Looking for semi-hardcore AOTC Alliance raiding guild, with runs on Fri/Sat nights within 8-12 Eastern window. Availability weeknights subject to work/family, but I can usually find time for a M+ run.</p><p>ilvl 430 Monk. Main spec Brewmaster, respectable Heal and DPS offspecs.</p><p>CE Mythic raider for BoD, 3/8M for EP before Classic broke up the band.</p><p>Previous Guild and Raid Lead ... |
11/02/2019 13:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
441 Prot/Ret Paladin LF EST Guild<p>Hello recruiters,Trying to navigate this site has been quite fun! I am posting in the hopes of finding a new home and a group of passionate people to play with. I recently got a new job and looking for guild that can fit my new schedule. I am looking for a guild in need of a Prot paladin however I am willing to play Ret. I am currently 441Ilvl 66Neck and 8/8H experience (I am 4/8M ... |
11/02/2019 13:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
441 Prot/Ret Paladin LF EST Guild<p>Hello All,</p>Times available & time zone:Server preference:Faction preference:Hardcore/semi-hardcore/casual:Current progression/experience:Recent logs (if available):Contact info:Anything else: |
11/02/2019 12:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
421+ Warrior Tank LF Guild to clear Heroic and maybe some Mythic with<p>The title says all been playing classic already cleared MC a couple of times now trying to get into retail more seriously on server Kael’thas but willing to switch. Feel free to ask any more questions about me in the replies. Oh and I dont really care for which faction I stay on so if you are recruiting for an alliance guild feel free to reply still.</p><p>Can Raid Tues/Thurs/Sunday Starting ... |
11/02/2019 11:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
New Player Looking For Guild<p>Hi there,</p><p>So I’m kind of new to WOW. I played on a free trial in July 2018 and couldn’t really get into the game. Then I played classic with some friends and I found my love for the game. I’ve switched to retail as I think theres more content I can get into and as they are no longer playing classic.</p><p>I’m looking for a guild to help with leveling, teach mechanics and to get into ... |
11/02/2019 11:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning player looking for a guild<p>Hello there.</p><p>I’m looking to return to WoW after a time of absence. I’ve played the game since the beta back in 2004 and I’ve been an active raider for most of it clearing every content up until Legion. In BfA I raided mythic content for the Uldir tier but then had to step away to complete my PHD. I’m looking for a guild so that I can work towards a goal and be part of a raid team for the ... |
11/02/2019 10:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Multiple classes 439-443 LF new guild<p>Hi</p><p>I am currently looking to break back into mythic raiding and am seeking a late / later night raid guild with 2 raid days a week max.</p><p>Have been playing since TBC and have raided at all levels during my time from casual to hardcore 5 days a week to mythic until recent tiers.</p><p>Currently been raiding the last couple of tiers in a 1 day heroic only guild but i am looking to ... |
11/02/2019 08:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning player LF guild (Rogue)<p>So I haven’t really raided in WoW since Antorus in Legion, and shadowlands got me a little hyped. So anyway I’m looking for a guild, wanting to roll rogue this time around.</p><p>I have experience with endgame raiding through out most expansions in WoWs history.</p><p>Hope to hear from you.</p> |
11/02/2019 05:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H]438 death knight lf mythic weekend night guild<p>3/8 mythic looking for mythic prog weekend guild looking to transfer I take pride into my dk and learn and opt to the best of my ability to play my class… feel free to contact me at vitalremains#1863</p> |
11/02/2019 04:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] 438 dk lf weekend mythic guild<p>looking for a weekend mythic guild prog im 3/8 atm I opt my class to play the best of my ability I take pride in it… feel free to ask me anything at vitalremains#1863</p> |
11/02/2019 04:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2900 io DH LF Mythic Guild<p>CE exp from Uldir and BOD on my warlock. I’m available on Tue / Wed / Thurs evenings during farm. I am willing and able to day raid 1st week of Mythic release. and able to raid extra days to push key progression. Wil consider playing a ranged alt (main?) for a hall of fame push</p><p>B tag: Humanity#11914Disc : Humanity#7963</p><p>Raider io and Logs linked below</p> Raider.IO ... |
11/02/2019 04:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Frost DK LF raiding guild<p>Hi, looking for a raiding guild that raids 1-3 days a week, (no saturdays), that pushes into mythic clearing whats possible.Myself I’ve been playing the game since vanilla, started raiding in TBC, since then I’ve been playing off and on seen most of the content, since Legion I havent been able to play as much as before so havent to much achivements from raids since then. played a bit of uldir ... |
11/02/2019 04:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
(A) 120 DK Uldaman LF guild<p>I have 4 - 120’s and several other alts in the 110’s and some in the 20’s looking for a new home and family. I am an older player who is a bit of an over achievement getter and pretty laid back. I have not been able to do any serious raiding since Cata when my old guild started to fall apart due to tragedy. So I am just looking for people who talk and help each other and maybe assisting if ... |
11/01/2019 23:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
8/8M ULDIR Returning Lock / whatever class LF home<p>Ex-ish? Mythic raider lock ( might reroll if lock doesn’t change much in new expac ) that was 8/8 M Uldir and 11/11 M Antorus looking to return to the game but also interested in finding a nice guild to join.</p><p>I’m not sure if I want to look for hardcore prog but I do want to keep raiding even if just casually but the main thing I was to be part of a good group of people that I like to be ... |
11/01/2019 22:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
412 DH and 413 Boomkin LF Guild<p>Hey guys - I’ll keep it short and sweet. We are two players looking for a guild to raid with. We don’t need some cutting edge guild, as we are returning from a break and not too familiar with the new raid just yet (we are quick learners though). We’ve raided at a high level in past expansions.</p><p>We can make raids on Fri/Sat nights 10pm-2am EST.</p><p>Horde or Alliance</p><p>Add me on btag ... |
11/01/2019 19:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
DhD |
[A] 416 Shadow Priest LFG Central Time Zone<p>Hello. I am currently a 416 shadow priest coming back from a long hiatus and am looking for a fun and social guild that does mythic + and Raids. I would be willing to hop realms and am open to changing to Dprist or Hpriest to fit needs. I’m also looking for a group thats doing more of their raiding around 8-11pm Central time. I would say Im probably more on the line of casual and semi ... |
11/01/2019 19:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fury War LF Guild<p>6/8 HLooking for some kind guild so we can enjoy the stuff. I want to do Mythics+10 and EP M</p> |
11/01/2019 18:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
8/8 AOTC Prot Pally LF Casual Guild<p>Currently 8/8 AOTC with multiple clears</p><p>Looking for a guild who needs a main tank for Heroic EP and raids on week days (Tue/Wed/Thur). Would also like to actively push Mythic+</p><p>Would prefer to stay Alliance</p> |
11/01/2019 16:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
8/8 AOTC Prot Pally looking for casual/mid-core guild<p>Currently 8/8 AOTC with multiple clears</p><p>Been back for several months, quit at the end of Wotlk. Prior top 100 DK Tank, and Top 100 guild experience (Good Squad - Malganis). Looking for a guild who needs a main tank for Heroic EP and raids on week days (Tue/Wed/Thur). Would also like to actively push Mythic+</p> |
11/01/2019 16:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Returning Cutting edge tank LF guild<p>Have cutting edge all of Legion as well as Uldir, took a break after Uldir looking for new home to raid with like minded people, can play any tank save for pally just because I dont enjoy pally. Add me if you want to talk Okuma#1413</p> |
11/01/2019 15:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
420+ ilvl Warlock (Playing 14yrs) LF LateNight PST PvE Guild<p>Whats’up everyone,</p><p>Hope this post finds the correct bunch/group in World of Warcraft will try and keep this as short as possible and as organized as possible.</p><p>—About:Ingame name is FTWitachi, I have been playing for just around 14 years now and have always mained Warlock and have never once changed. I have been well into pretty much every aspect of the game from PvE to PvP even Pet ... |
11/01/2019 13:24:00 |
Unknown |
PvE |
New player looking for active guild<p>Hi, I returned to WoW after a long break. Wrath of the Lich King was the last expansion I played so I have a lot of new things to discover and grind. However it’s more fun if you play with other people, therefore I hope that there is a guild out there that is mature, fun and doesn’t mind briefly explaining a bossfight.I have one max level and several nearly max level chars on Burning Blade EU, ... |
11/01/2019 06:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
5/8M Fire Mage LF Guild<p>Fire Mage LF guild preferably after 10pm CST or vice versa something morning/early afternoon based. Horde only.</p> |
11/01/2019 04:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
(A) 440 MW monk looking for weekend raid team<p>Looking for raid team for now, 8.3 and beyond. I have healed since wrath and have all my aotc’s. I’m not looking for CE. I will do some mythic raiding. Looking for a fun adult team. You can reach me by battle tag shellz#1467.</p> |
10/31/2019 22:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
430 SPriest Looking for a home!<p>Hello all,</p><p>Took a break from BFA because of the Nostalgia for Classic and decided that its time for me to come back.</p><p>Have multiples of toons, but my highest at the moment is my 430 Priest, which I’ve played all specs equally. Love to theory craft upon necessity can play any class or spec with enough effort in it.</p><p>Would love to give my few days a week to help a guild with ... |
10/31/2019 22:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
(H) 3/8M -1600+ Rdruid LF guild on A52<p>Hello all, I’m a long time heals in search of a guild that raids early evenings (6-10:30 est) and does keys. Raiding xp starts in wrath and goes to current w/ clearing most or all heroic/mythic in each xpac. I was 4k in legion for keys and working my way back up to 2k currently. A recent switch of mains had me working back up. I’m a very quick learner, in raid and keys it takes no more than 2 ... |
10/31/2019 22:12:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[A][US] looking for casual guild to call home<p>Looking to get back into the game.</p><p>I normally just do old content, solo stuff, rep grind and mount farms. Im a altaholic.</p><p>Looking for casual guild to call home. Nothing too big. I want to be able to feel like I am playing with friends and not just as another member.</p><p>Ill be starting fresh as either a Fury / Prot Warrior, Frost / Blood DK or BM / Survival Hunter. Feel free to ... |
10/31/2019 21:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
434 Mage 8/8 AOTC looking for a raiding guild<p>I have only been back for 3 weeks, I am looking for a raiding guild. I want to stay Alliance. I will make all raiding times. I am looking for a fun guild to progress with I am available 6-12PST I will transfer right away and looking forward to finding a new raiding home.</p> |
10/31/2019 20:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[Alliance] Looking for a guild in "the forgotten coast"<p>Hello there!</p><p>my character name is Valeshia i am from south america playing on NA servers i don’t have much ping but i do mention it because i know how to read and listen to English but i have no practice at all speaking it myself so i kinda stick to text</p><p>also big note here i am free most of the days so i probably can log in everyday a good amount of hours</p><p>i am a new player ... |
10/31/2019 20:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
440 Hunter LF Guild<p>Had some IRL stuff pop up during week 1 of EP so I’m a bit behind but should be able to catch up quick. Have some mythic XP this xpac and have been AotC every tier. Can provide logs on request.</p><p>Available all days except wednesdays from 5-12pm est</p> |
10/31/2019 19:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Dps and healer LF casual mythic guild for 8.3<p>Hi</p><p>Me and a healer friend is looking for a casual mythic guild on stormscale eu. The guild we are in now is going to transfer to a new realm and we want to stay on stormscale. The guild we are on now is 6/8 EP mythic, check us on warcraft logs if you need players in 8.3 and add me Polle#22859.</p><p>Me fury warrior: Orcdude-stormscaleResto druid friend: Zilah-stormscale</p> |
10/31/2019 16:24:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[H] [Draenor/Kazzak] Returning player looking for active raid/m+ guild!<p>I’ve recently returned to retail WoW after quitting at the end of WoD. I’m looking for a guild which raids 2-3 times a week EP Heroic and maybe interested in getting a couple of Mythic kills.</p><p>As a returning player, it’s important that the guild still has a healthy population of people who runs mythic dungeons so I get a chance to progress through content. It’s a huge plus if the age ... |
10/31/2019 15:36:00 |
Horde |
Unknown |
[H] 7/8 M 447 Resto Druid looking for new home<p>Hello!</p><p>I’m looking to find a guild to both close out Eternal Palace with and get into raiding in Ny’alotha.</p><p>I’ve been playing healers since vanilla and have experience on all types. I’m currently on a resto Druid, but have max level healers of every class. I’ve been raiding and have cleared out the top level content through my entire wow career, including CE in both previous raids ... |
10/31/2019 15:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[A or H][Blackhand] Looking for late night guild<p>I play both alliance and horde on EU-Blackhand but I live in the States so I can’t really raid or do mythic dungeons with my guild because of the time difference.</p><p>I was wondering if anyone knows of any third shift guilds that run dungeons etc on that server, I’d be more than interested in getting to know them and seeing if things work out.</p><p>I have a few 400-420 ilvl characters (tank ... |
10/31/2019 11:48:00 |
Alliance |
Unknown |
435 fury warrior LF a friendly guild<p>well i have had my share of unfriendly a***oles</p><p>i am a 435 fury warrior with a 425 demo lock alt, on Azjul Nerub serverinterested in hc and hopefully mythic raiding as well as M+.</p><p>just want a bunch of fun friendly ppl to enjoy the game with going to M+ with guild members and such … not to seek nobel prize in wow </p><p>thanks </p> |
10/31/2019 11:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[Alliance] Boomkin and a Resto Shaman Lf Guild<p>Hey!First things first, I’m a boomkin that also heals and now is learning how to tank and my partener in crime (my GF) plays as Resto Shaman (no offspec). We’re at 3/8M EP.</p><p>We’re doing m+, old raids for transmogs, RBGs. And any kind of event with the guild.</p><p>Our toons are on Hellfire but we are willing to realm transfer.Crapau and Persefora, if you want to stalk us. numby#6082 - on ... |
10/31/2019 10:24:00 |
Alliance |
Unknown |
DS |
5/8M Mage LFG<p>As the title states, I’m a 5/8 M EP (5/8 M Uldir, 7/9 M BoD, 2/2 H CoS) mage looking for a guild. 70 neck, 442 ilvl (438 with full benthic equipped). I can raid Sun through Thurs, 8:30-11:30 est. I prefer to stay Horde, but would consider Alliance for the right fit. Drop your spam and/or add me. Btag: Hakanloob#1556. Discord: hak#9270.</p> |
10/31/2019 09:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Resto druid LF Raiding Team<p>Hey I’m a returning player LF a team or guild to run heroic Eternal Palace. I’m not looking to transfer servers yet. I’m pretty much available any time after 9pm EST Mon-Sun. I’m not really looking to leave my guild just yet. I mostly want to just raid with this guy as resto with offspec boomkin. If that is ok with you then please send me a message in game. My btag is healmore#1852Thanks!</p> |
10/31/2019 08:36:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Shadow Priest LF Casual, Active Home Guild<p>Hello! I am looking for a guild to make into a home. It can be on any server or faction. I love to play shadow priest or heal. I used to tank but that’s not really the way I like to play anymore. I just want a guild where I can be myself and make new friends while I have my loner time at home away from work :P. I am willing to learn just about anything there is for your guild to teach me (if ... |
10/31/2019 06:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Mythic exp rogue lfg<p>425ilvl 61 neck rogue player in search of a guild to raid mythic with, I’m a returning player with a lot of previous tier mythic experience, the best being U.S 87th Mythic Gul’dan. I am a reliable player willing to put in the work and research to be one of the most valued raiders on your raid team. For more questions and information please reach me thru bnet: Surahn#1816 or discord: ... |
10/31/2019 05:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
420+ ilvl Warlock (Playing 14yrs) LF LateNight PST PvE Guild<p>Whats’up everyone,</p><p>Hope this post finds the correct bunch/group in World of Warcraft will try and keep this as short as possible and as organized as possible.</p><p>—About:Ingame name is FTWitachi, I have been playing for just around 14 years now and have always mained Warlock and have never once changed. I have been well into pretty much every aspect of the game from PvE to PvP even Pet ... |
10/31/2019 04:48:00 |
Unknown |
PvE |
Looking for guild for EST raiding<p>Looking for a guild for a fresh start. I haven’t raided much at all in the last few months. Well not Since BoD at least. I thought about trying classic out since i missed it the first time around. It ended up turning out ok but honestly kinda bleh.</p><p>Ok now on to more relevant issues. I am looking to get back to raiding. Running mythic+ and other content would be a plus as well. ... |
10/31/2019 01:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Looking for guild casual player<p>Things I like to do:transmogprofessional Gatheringdoing battlegroundsIslandsLFRdungeonstry to do Mythic Plus lol</p><p>Battlenet Necrolai#11891</p> |
10/31/2019 01:00:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
[Bleeding Hollow] DH LF WEEKEND(FRI/SAT/SUN) RAID GUILD<p>Hello.</p><p>I played since BC, and came back to play Classic.However, after hitting max level on Classic, I realized I missed playing retail. So I decided to start a new toon on BFA.</p><p>It’s been 2 weeks, I have achieved pre-requirements and experienced mythic+ and new tier raids. However, it seems it’s hard to pug the end game contents.</p><p>I would like to join a guild with ... |
10/30/2019 22:48:00 |
Unknown |
Unknown |